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Amadeo Tusell - 06th july 2022
Branding consists of the elaboration of a brand through a continuous process, and its strategies, getting people to grant it a position in their day-to-day life, filling the spaces of their daily events.
There are many brands of food products that use packaging and its creative design to achieve this preferential position. They warn their potential buyers a little about what they will find inside the packaging, using playful and colorful elements in their planning.
Brand management is a pillar that ensures the strength of a company in a planned, sustainable and intelligent manner.
Branding will be in charge of planning and designing the packaging of a product, giving it a certain value, and placing it in the public's preference.
Consumer Search
Statistically, it has been proven that consumers make their purchases based on the brand preference they have.
It is worth saying that when you stand in front of a shelf, you will instinctively look for the brands of your choice, without stopping to think that there are also other products there, with similar characteristics, even with more attractive costs.
It is there that we realize the importance of good brand management for a product, entering the minds of each consumer, and leading them to choose, taking into account perfectly planned factors in the design of each brand.
Colors, shapes, values and emotions are some of the elements that are found subliminally in the minds of each potential client.
Experts in brand creation and management know and handle all these elements perfectly and use them to position each of the products they manage.
Brand identity
When a brand concept is developed for a product, the aim is to place it in the knowledge and preference of the consumer. Having a brand gives you identity, transmitting a clear message within the world of marketing.
Brand management pursues the goal of satisfying the aspirations and desires of each potential customer.
Giving your brand a purpose manages to build a link that directly communicates the company, the product and the consumer.
This communication must always be close, unifying values and feelings, seeking an end beyond the intention to sell, which is always implicit.
The brand of your product ends up being the visual and evident sign of each product, which allows you to enjoy it from the moment you locate the logo on the shelf where it is found together with other products of similar quality and cost.
The brand identity must pursue well-defined objectives in order to make a difference and place the product in the consumer's preference.
Ideal brand characteristics
The brand management will pursue that the product is placed in the current preference, and remain at the top of it despite the passage of time. In the same way, it will seek identification with the values and emotions of the people who make up the preferential consumption sector.
The personality of the brand will always coincide with the business vision and the values that represent it. It will be responsible for maintaining consumer confidence with a direct, clear and sustainable line of communication over time.
The effective identification of the product, by its brand, is always valued, increasing its recognition, promoting quality and differentiating itself from its competitors.
The packaging of each product has a preponderant role in its recognition and identity. They make each product visible and recognizable.
The existence of a wide variety of commercial products, which seek to stand out and compete in a market that may seem increasingly narrow, puts pressure on the companies that manage the brands.
Constant innovation, in the search for a new design in each package, differentiates them and makes them increasingly visible and differentiated.
The durability, shape, and color of the packaging manage to make a difference, becoming, on many occasions, the decisive point when choosing between the multiplicity of brands that are on the market.
In the elaboration and management of the brand of a product, the entire life of this is placed in the commercial world, and the preference of consumers.
Being able to recognize a product, by its brand, the presence of the identification logo on its packaging, and the message that it directly and indirectly transmits, will make a difference and will achieve the success of each product.
In summary, effectively managed branding elements make a difference in terms of product placement in consumer preference.
It acts directly on the concept of each commercial product, carrying out the perfect planning, managing and promoting the brand and its properties.
It will always seek that the conglomerate of potential clients understand the position of the company that produces it, highlighting its characteristics, and granting an excellent reputation during its commercial turn.